
Showing posts from April, 2011

Cara Paling Mudah Terjemah Bahasa Indonesia kedalam Bahasa Inggris

A. Definition             Secara luas terjemah dapat diartikan sebagai semua kegiatan manusia dalam mengalihkan seperangkat informasi atau pesan (message), baik verba maupun non-verbal – dari informasi asal atau sumber (source information) ke dalam informa, sasaran (target information).             Dalam keseharian , pengertian terjemah (translation) biasa diartikan sbagai suatu proses pengaihan pesan yang terdapat didalam teks bahasa pertama atau bahasa sumber (source language) dengan padanannya didalam bahasa ke dua atau sasaran (target language).             Bahasa sumber biasa disebut bahasa asal adalah bahasa yang digunakan oleh pengarang asal dalam mengungkapkan pesan, gagasan atau keterangan, yang kemudian menjadi bahan yang akan kita terjemahkan. Sedangkan bahasa target adalah bahasa terjemahan tempat menuang...

fungsi control microsoft word 2007

Ketika kita membuka Words 2007 tentunya biar lebih efektif kita lebih mudah dan cepat mengoperasikan lebih baik kita menggunakan control, alt atau shift pada tombol keyboard, berikut ini: Ctrl+N : Membuka dokumen baru Ctrl+O : membuka dokument Ctrl+S : menyipan data F12 : menimpan data sesuai type yang diinginkan (save as) Ctrl+W : menutup dokument atau Alt+F4 Ctrl+shift+4: menyembunyikan paragraph atau menampilkannya Shift+F1 : menggunakan formatting Crtl+D : membuka dialog Box ctrl+P : mengeprint Ctrl+shift+E : mematikan  Shift+backspace : delete satu kata kekiri Shift+del : delete satau kata kekanan F7 : berfungsi check grammar/spelling Alt+H : home tab alt+N : insert tab alt+P : mengatur page/halaman alt+S : menggunankan referensi alt+M : mailmerger Alt+R : review Tab Alt+W : View Tab

Cara Menterjemah Bahasa Indonesia Ke Dalam Bahasa Arab

Telah penulis jabarkan didepan tentang bagaimana penejemahan dari bahasa Arab ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Sekarang sebaliknya penulis akan terangkan bagaimana cara menerjemah bahasa Indonesia kedalam bahasa Arab. Namun sebelumnya penulis perlu tekankan bahwa hasil terjemahan pada akhirnya terserah pada pemahaman penerjemah tentang teks tersebut yang penting tidak mengurangi terhadap esensi isi teks asal (resource text). Dan tentunya terjemahan yang dihasilkan tidak kaku. Pertama sebelum kita mulai, perlu dianalisa dulu apakah kalimat yang kita terjemahkan termasuk klausa/jumlah fi'liyah (jumlah yang terdiri dari fi'il dan fa'il) dan jumlah ismiyah (jumlah yang terdiri dari Mutada' dan Khobar). Mengetahui klausa/jumlah dapat mempermudah penerjemah bagimana menyusun kalimat bahasa Arab yang benar dan baik dalam bahasa Arab. Setelah kita tahu klausa yang akan kita terjemhkan apakah termasuk jumlah ismiyah atau jumlah fi'liyah maka kita sekarang kita memula...

The concept of integration of three components, Solutions of Students moral decadence

       Observing the moral decadence of late learners really sad. Moral decadence in the era of globalization as it is now very multidimensional. Kemerosantanya has reached its nadir, until there is no limitation (unlimited) space and time. Now, the behavior demoralisai students not only become a public showcase, but also a livelihood. As do vocational students in Surabaya, which is brokering prostitution and has digelutinya since junior high. And mirisnya, who becomes the object of surgery is the younger class. So that this case be a chain that was never interrupted or not berujung.Hanya diiming lure $ 400 thousand each time serving a philanderer male, female minors were willing to give up his body to touched (Java Pos/12 / Maret/2008). Seeing the students who cause loss of virginity is so easy and varied, indicating virginity has become something rare and expensive. Free sex (free sexs) who once considered taboo and forbidden now it signified a vulgar an...


The development of technology and information quite rapidly in the last decade led to a shift work system and process of knowledge transfer from the previously used conventional systems become computerized one. Now, Internet technology is not as expensive as ten years ago in which to be able to use the internet facility at the time, the cost is not small. With the Internet, very easy for us to be able to find various kinds of information and knowledge required. Just by typing in keywords related to the site search engine which is, in the blink of an eye all the information we need directly seen displayed on the screen. What I've described above is one of the positive impact of using the Internet. The problem now is actually a lot of internet users especially those from emerging countries such as Indonesia to use the internet for things that are negative. Easy access to pornographic content along with violent content cause Internet users who are generally still in the stude...


Educational philosophy of Ki Hajar Dewantara, ”Ing Ngarso Sung Tulodho, Ing Madya bangun Karso, Tutwuri Handhayani" needs exemplary educations of all components, especially teachers. Because teachers are the icons to be imitated (obeyed his words and used as role model behavior). Therefore, the teacher exemplary is a must.  So that the national education goals: the development potential of human learners in order to become a faithful and pious to God the Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and accountable, can be realized. Realizing that goal may not be achieved if the moral and spiritual integrity in the education process is just a mere slogan. Realize that the purpose of education is to educate the character, giving religious guidance and life guidance give something useful, providing knowledge, and providing life skills as a philosophy of al Tarbiyatul  Islamiyah. This is also in accordance with the...