Honorable All of Juries
Honorable all audiences
Respectable the master of ceremony who has gave me opportunity for giving speech presentation
    Ladies and gentlemen
    Goodness and a progress of a clan nation are beginning from science and knowledge they had, Muhammad SAW said;
"من أراد الدنيا فعليه بالعلم و من أراد الآخرة فعليه بالعلم فإنه يحتاج إليه في كل منهما"
“Who want to reach the world, he must have a science and who want to reach good hereafter, and he must use his science. Science is needed to reach the world and good hereafter.
Start from the science, a goodness of people beside Allah SWT is stated in Al-Qur’an;
يرفع الله الذين آمنوا منكم والذين أوتوا العلم درجات والله بما تعملون خبير (الاية)
God would raise faithful people of you and people who are given knowledge some degrees more, and Allah always knows what you have done (QS. Al-Mujadalah;11).
Ladies and gentlemen
Good Muslim will get goodness beside Allah SWT. Which people who don’t want to be good beside their creator? This degree can be reached by studying the science of Allah SWT. The science can be used to get closer to Allah SWT.
A goodness of a good Muslim is better than a goodness of Muslim that is not good beside Allah SWT. We can describe a man who steps, moves, and thinking always are based by science would bring him to the happiness and goodness in this world and hereafter, Subhanallah.
A way that is passed by science seeker is one way to heaven, a way to a science hunter in angels blessing that beg to us a blessing from Allah SWT. What creature who is able to make angels busy because of him? The angels whose most of time is filled by praying to Allah to beg forgiveness and blessing to a student, student of Islam and Muslim who are praying who does not like and who does not want?
Honorable audiences are blessed by Allah SWT.
In a learning process, we shouldn’t forget a learning requirement, like what Sayyidina Ali Karromallohu Wajhah said;
الا لاتنال العلم الا بستة  #  سأنبيك عن مجموعها ببيان
ذكاء وحرص واصطبار وبلغة  #  وارشاد استاذ وطول زمان
Remember, you wouldn’t get a knowledge except by six things that I would tell you briefly, they are; smart, spirit, patient, supplies, teacher taught, and long time.
These requirements are necessary if we want to success in the learning process.
I think that’s all from me, if it right, it is guidance from Allah SWT and if there is something wrong, it comes from me and hopefully Allah forgives our faults, amen.
لا اله الا انت سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين  .
  ثم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

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