Educational philosophy of Ki Hajar Dewantara, ”Ing Ngarso Sung Tulodho, Ing Madya bangun Karso, Tutwuri Handhayani" needs exemplary educations of all components, especially teachers. Because teachers are the icons to be imitated (obeyed his words and used as a model of behavior). Therefore, the teacher exemplary is a must.  So that the national education goals: the development potential of human learners in order to become a faithful and pious to God the Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and accountable, can be realized. Realizing that goal may not be achieved if the moral and spiritual integrity in the education process is just a mere slogan.
Realize that the purpose of education is to educate the character, giving religious guidance and life guidance, giving something useful, providing knowledge, and providing life skills as a philosophy of al Tarbiyatul  Islamiyah. This is also in accordance with the operational reference of Education Unit Level Curriculum, that: faith, devotion and noble character become the basis of the personality formation that learners are intact.
Curriculum arranged may allow all subjects to support the formation of faith, devotion and noble character. Those formations are form of integral education. And it requires all the components of education; headmaster, teachers, students, staff, and curriculum that lead to moral improvement.
To realize that goal, then sciences must be given in full, not partial, or secular. This means that students are not only given a cognitive knowledge alone, but accompanied by his awareness of God ~ affective realm. So that would give birth to a civilized person in the realm of psychomotor, honest and trustworthy. Because honesty and sense of responsibility are main pillars in building a civilization and the society life, nation, and state.
To optimize the aim, the teachers must first improve themselves and provide spiritual foundations in each subjects are given to learners. Let's know, spirituality is not just belonging to religious education. But all sciences must contain spiritual values as well. Why? Because the knowledge came from the universe creator, al `Aliim, the all-knowing with the foundation of spiritual awareness or consciousness to expect the outputs and outcomes of the learners will be moral human having noble morality.
Generations of teenagers today are faced with many problems - big problems of life due to the friendships pattern; friendships and relationships that are not balanced. They tend to lead to convergence lifestyle and indulge in sensual desires. They seemed to be effectively forced to hanging out in malls (shopping centers) or in the cafes, go touring, skip school. Parents do not want to know the problems, do not like reading books and other ones. As a result, a generation that is not shame is losing a courtesy, more interested in novelty, but still live a long and increasingly complex challenges of life, morally corrupt, depraved morals, dignity tarnished until sanctity distorted.
Integral education is urgent to implement given the wave of moral decadence increasingly undermine our beloved nation's children. Pick an example, the case two high school students who perform hot scene in a cafe in Kalijudan Surabaya recently. And another pathetic example, hot video of two Junior High School children in Tulungagung (Surya Daily, Friday, January 7, 2011).
The cases are done by children who are still junior high school students (junior) and above (SMA). Indeed it is a slap to the world of education because not able to produce students who are responsible. This is a result of the loss of spiritual awareness in education and lack of control and the role of society in instilling moral education.
In order that cases above are not endemic, then the integral education of synergizing between knowledge and morality for our students urged to maximize. Given all of that is our collective responsibility, and then all components must be involved in the education process as a whole. In this condition, school support is needed to strengthen and control the behavior of students. As an institution that plays an important role when students are out of the family environment. School holds custody, guiding and nurturing when students beyond parental control. As for teenagers or students own at least there are two ways to do in an effort to improve the quality of self, which continued to try to portray himself as a student and the educated youth. The key is simple, namely trying to keep doing religious teachings. For Muslim youth is reflected in the Qur'an and Sunnah Rasullullah SAW.
Perhaps, in the coming decades we can look to the brighter future having personality intact. May we, especially the teachers, be able to bring a responsible person as trustworthy national education goals.

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