
Showing posts from March, 2011


Forbidding Bringing Hp to the school means that if violated would MOBILE PHONE detained in BP for 1 full week and can be taken ONLY BY PARENTS PUPILS without representation. All teachers / employees of any teacher if they see students were mercilessly MOBILE PHONE ria will be confiscated, BP is recorded and submitted for processing. Thus the latest information, sorry to say wrote this is not encouraging news, especially for active student who is really running the positive activities such as selling via the MOBILE PHONE pulses, internet marketing and others who really positive. It all had to get impact. So once again use the technology, it functions as appropriate, not excessive, nor craze, modest. Well it might as well just to remind you guys FACEBOOK FRIENDSTER or gandrungi today could have been banned from school because there are symptoms that are similar to MOBILE PHONE, we are waiting how polite you are using the technology and what to do! MOBILE PHONE's certainly not...


  Valentine's Day celebrations still raises controversy in several countries, including Indonesia. A party with a firm considers a good Valentine's Day is celebrated with meaning casing dear. Opponents call it a part of Western culture, which did not fit with the traditional oriental. From among the religions, especially Islam, there are also a similar reaction. Most calls do not fit celebrated Valentine's Muslims, because of its historical background that is closer to Christian culture. Even Muslims who do not agree calling the celebration of Valentine's Day as a heresy, because there is no legal basis in Islamic law. In fact, there were some Christian circles that did not agree with the celebration of Valentine. They assess the celebration was not a religious rite, but the activity which refers to the tradition of idolatry before the Christian era. That so referrals they are Pre-Christian tradition in the Roman worship of two idols: Nimrod and the Lupercalia. Th...


When reading or hearing the word 'child', which we think and imagine is a child of school age kindergarten / elementary school. But what I mean here is 'child' from the perspective of parents. This means that children are generally independent of body size or age. Knowledge about sex is interesting but complicated to explain to the child's parents, explaining how the proper way without feeling awkward or misspoke. My friend happened to get this interesting article from the Internet. Beware, Little Overshooting! Dr. Dian Nugraha Boyke shaking his head to hear the narrative of his patients. Call it Beautiful, 36, who was crying hysterically from Sukabumi behavior tells her daughter, Nita, 11 years old. Together with two classmates in junior high school, Nita perform humiliating disgrace the family and school. "All of us, to give freedom to him watching anything without supervision, including on the Internet," said Beau uncontrollably. Burst into t...

Tip Untuk Orang Tua dalam mendidik anak tentang sex

Ada Beberapa tip berikut bisa membantu Anda berbicara dengan anak-anak Anda tentang kata “s” tersebut. Tip #1: Mulailah Sejak Dini Idealnya pendidikan seks tidak diberikan kepada anak-anak sebagai suatu reaksi atas pertanyaan mereka. Sebaliknya, pendidikan seks diberikan sejak awal secara tidak langsung. Hal ini berarti sang anak harus memiliki keyakinan yang kuat akan identitas dirinya serta pemahaman akan nilai-nilai yang dimilikinya. "Orang tua harus duduk bersama dan menjelaskan nilai-nilai mereka kepada anakanaknya. Dan hal tersebut perlu dimulai sejak anak-anak masih muda, sebelum masyarakat mempengaruhi mereka," ucap Marilyn Morris, seorang Kristiani, yang merupakan presiden dan pendiri Aim for Success. Organisasi tersebut mempromosikan abstinensi sex melalui penyuluhan dan presentasi kepada siswa-siswa kelas enam SD hingga SMA. Kelompok tersebut adalah salah satu penyelenggara pendidikan abstinensi terbesar di Amerika. Merilyn juga mengatakan penting untuk menjelaska...