
Showing posts from October, 2010

Bahasa Inggris itu Gaul, Cool, dan Funky

English is crazy language English, Asylum for the verbally insane kalau jamaknya box adalah boxes       kenapa jamaknya ox bukan oxes kalau jamaknya goose adalah geese       kenapa jamaknya moose bukan meese kalau jamaknya mouse adalah mice       kenapa jamaknya house bukan hice kalau jamaknya man adalah men       kenapa jamaknya pan (panci) bukan pen kalau jamaknya tooth adalah teeth       kenapa jamaknya booth (pojok/kamar) bukan beeth kalau jamaknya foot adalah feet       kenapa jamaknya boot (sepatu bot) bukan beet kalau jamaknya that adalah those       kenapa jamaknya hat bukan hose       sebagaima jamaknya cat bukan cose kalau jamaknya brother adalah brethren       kenapa jamaknya ...


Pidato tiga bahasa, trilingual speach السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته الحمد لله الذي هدانا لهذا وماكنا لنهتدي لولا ان هدانا الله من يهدي الله فلا مضل له ومن يضلله قلا هادي له القائل " ولقد ارسلنك نو حا قو مه فلبث فيهم الف سنة الاخمسين عاما فاء خذ هم الطلو فا ن وهم ظلمو ن " . والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين اما بعد: صاحب الفخامة والسعادة جميع الحكماء صاحب الفضيلة والسعادة جميع الحاضرين والحاضرات اخوانى فى الله رحمكم الله Respectable : All audiences in happiness Ladies and gentlemen                  All types of perfect praise Belong to Allah alone, the almighty God, the creator of the word Who asks us to always make unity as well as to preside over all creatures’ acts in the hereafter. Peace and salutation sholawat be upon to the noble prophet, Muhammad S.A.W. and his Household,  his companions and his faithful followers who strived in...


Dear my fellow citizen              Totality and wealthy of a country is not only suspended to the progress of economy and speedy citizen. Rather the safety can be enjoyed if the country always cares the society’s health within. Without high health care of government for the society is very impossible a nation will undergo a progress of all life aspects, science progress, technology, civilization and even economy. A country will never produce the high capability human being resource if it doesn’t give established health servicing, because the progress of a nation needs very much for the credible, smart and of course Healthy human being resource, those all, surely will be achieved if the country has undergone the health progress firstly.    Like wise with Indonesia, which is one of the largest countries in the word, has speedy citizen with fertile and prosperous land. Persistence of life in Indonesia...

Let's Practice

PRACTICAL DAILY CONVERSATION 1 Greeting A : Good morning B : Hi Iwan . Good morning A : What are you doing? B : I'm wating at a list of indonisian expresion C : good morning. Hei what are you boy s doing ? A &B : good morning. Why are you very untidy? C : I' ve just got up....   you see I never get up early On Sunday D : good morning children. Breakfast is ready. A : wher's father, mom? D : He's in the gerden, watering some plants. B : Let's help him, A : You haven't finished your list yet, B : Please   write it down here, C : ok... lain kali, means some other time. B : Good morning ! E : Pater, you up. B : I 'd like to help you ....what can I do? E : Well, put these small twigs in the   holes I've dug A : Father, can I water the trees here? E : Please do, where's your nother? A : She's preparing some tea for us. Piknik A : let's sit here. It's cool here. B : And it's qui...